Central Protection Services

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4 Gated Community Security Mistakes to Avoid

Gated Community Security Mistakes to Avoid

Gated community security is of topmost priority as it Gated Community Security Mistakes to Avoid. Security services at a gated community also make the potential buyers feel safer. But that doesn’t mean you kick start your imagination and visualize a big robbery at your house. Read on further to know some common security mistakes that should be avoided.

1. Unsecured Gate Entries

Your gated community might have more than one gate entries, and simply locking gates won’t be enough for security. Even electronic gates can be manipulated by burglars sometime. So you should deploy security officers at every gate entrance, and install a security system so it can record every entry and exit from the gate.

2. No Direct Contact

Direct contact with the security personals should be provided to the residents. It would be helpful if the residents see any burglar entering the house of a neighbor or notice any stranger in the community. Without direct contact, the residents will not be able to report intruders, and the robbers can run away.

3. Unmanned Entry Points

Burglars often keep their eyes on the gated community to find a way in. You should make a schedule that the security personals can change their shifts, and not even a single entry point is left unmanned. If you are not happy with your current security services provider, then you can Gated Community Security Mistakes to Avoid. Central Protection has well-trained and best security personals.

4. Incomplete Visitors Log

No matter if the person is your guest, relative, or friend, the community should maintain a visitor’s log, so they can record who has come in and gone out of the community.This will help to know who has visited the community. The visitors will also have to write the time at which they are visiting the community.

If you keep your gated community security intact like this, then the residents won’t need to worry about anything. Such small precautions lead to avoid big threats in the future. You don’t know what’s going to happen next, so always ensure you avoid such common mistakes in the security services at your gated community.