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Security tips to keep your home safe this summer

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of going on vacation and forget about what you’re leaving behind. That is, until you get at the airport and realise you forgot to lock the door. Is the iron turned on? Is the garage door in the open position? Before you go, make sure your home is secure so you may travel with confidence and peace of mind. These home security  security services companies  guidelines for case you’re on vacation will help you avoid any unpleasant surprises when you return.

Close the windows and doors

Although it may seem self-evident, an estimated 32% of criminals get access through open doors. Even on the upper floors, windows are weak places, therefore keep them closed and locked. They’re still accessible to a cunning burglar, and an open window anyplace in the house might let in animals, rain, or wind.

Empty the mailbox

A stack of mail indicates that no one is at home. Collect your mail and store it safely out of sight with a trustworthy neighbour, friend, or house-sitter. You can also use USPS.com to seek a temporary mail hold or mail forwarding. Pause the delivery of any newspapers or subscription boxes you have.Use lighting to give the impression that someone is at home.Another characteristic   security license edmonton of an empty house is darkness, which permits criminals to enter unobserved. By leaving a few lights on, you can eliminate that vulnerability. Better still, utilise motion detection lights to illuminate any intruders, or use smart lighting to set the lights on a timer and control them from afar.

Maintain the yard’s appearance

Unless you have a very low-maintenance yard, the lawn or garden will require upkeep if you are gone for an extended period of time. If you don’t have a landscaping professional, ask a neighbour or hire temporary labour to continue working while you’re away. Consider snow  security guards company   removal if you live in a colder region.Leave a vehicle parked in the driveway.A car in the driveway, according to former burglars, is a huge deterrent in scoping out potential targets because it nearly always signals that someone is home. Leave your (locked) automobile in a visible location, or inquire if a neighbour is willing to park there.

Valuables should be hidden or locked away

Criminals are attracted to easy-to-grasp pricey products. Keep high-value goods hidden and protected in your house and garage. Keep the most valuable items in a safe at home. Remember that many thieves aren’t just interested in stealing your belongings; they’re also interested in stealing   video security system  your identity. Keep your social security cards, financial information, and other personal identification you won’t be bringing with you in a safe place.Don’t make your plans public on the internet.Wait until after you’ve returned to post about your vacation on social media (and make sure your kids don’t, either). By announcing your travel plans, you’re announcing that your home will be vacant. You never know who sees your information, especially if you have a large number of followers or a public profile.

Prepare your security system.

Make your home security system or security cameras visible to potential burglars if you have them. Cameras should be visible from afar so that they can see and be seen. Signs and stickers on home security should be   private security guard  prominently displayed. Fake signals may be better than nothing if you don’t have a system. Also, double-check that your security system and any automatic equipment are set up properly during your absence. Inform the firm that you’ll be gone if you have a professionally monitored system. Make sure your cameras, smoke detectors, and other equipment are turned on and in good working order, as well as that your smart home gadgets are programmed correctly.Make the necessary adjustments to the thermostat.Adjust the thermostat to avoid the HVAC system from heating or cooling areas that aren’t in use. Programmable smart thermostats make this much easier, and you can set them to a pleasant temperature when you return.

Protect your home from water damage

To avoid water damage from leaking pipes, some experts advocate turning off the house’s main water supply valve. If you live in a temperate region and the house will be unoccupied, this is a possible   security jobs edmonton   alternative; but, if you live in a cold climate or someone will be checking in while you’re gone, you should probably leave the water on.