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security guard services | Central Protection Services

5 qualities you need to be a reliable security officer

While technological advancements have enabled the creation of a plethora of tools and devices to aid in security operations, there are certain qualities that your security personnel should always possess – qualities that are critical when hiring the best security team.Security, as a  calgary security companies professional security firm, understands the importance of hiring a security team with high standards, experience, and knowledge. The main characteristics of an outstanding security guard are highlighted below.

Integrity and honesty

Personnel in charge of security must be dependable. A security guard can be required to operate alone at times and must be trusted to remain vigilant. Building and retaining confidence requires honesty. Since these attributes are so important, employers often perform  security companies edmonton  background checks to ensure that a security guard does not have a criminal record or a history of dishonesty.


Any good security guard must have extensive training. Top security guards would have received rigorous training to ensure that they have the expertise and experience required to perform  security services edmonton their duties. The simplest way to determine a security guard’s level of training is to look at their certification.


If you need event stewards for a concert or witness protection for a high-profile case, the best security guards have a lot of experience and can handle a variety of threats and scenarios. To ensure that all possible  security guards edmonton issues are addressed, all of our security guards have combat experience or experience coping with aggressive and high-risk situations.

Constant watchfulness

It is important for employees to be able to think on their feet and recognise when action is required. A security guard must be able to recognise a potential danger or disturbance quickly and accurately, assessing the situation, individuals, and surroundings as thoroughly as possible.

You can both lead and follow

Knowing when to take the initiative and when to obey the rules is an important skill for security guards. The ability to lead is critical to ensuring a client’s safety. A good security guard can recognise when it is appropriate  security services calgary to enforce necessary procedures and common sense in order to eliminate a potential danger. Following a strict code is also critical, but there may be times when a course of action must be changed to keep a client safe or to comply with legal requirements.

Exchange of information

If operating as part of a team or on their own, the security guard must be able to communicate clearly and effectively. Employees, administrators, and customers are all affected.

Fitness for life

Since security guards are likely to be very busy during their working day, the ability to maintain high standards of physical  security guard companies calgary  health is a necessary quality. A security guard can be required to patrol a wide area or outrun a criminal at your place of business on rare occasions. Our security guards are fit, nimble, and physically capable of defending themselves and their clients.


At all times, excellent security staff can maintain a cool yet firm demeanour. These abilities are critical for managing dispute situations. Furthermore, empathy for those for whom they are dealing is an important part of the job.

Keep a low profile

There are times when a security guard may be visible, but it is critical to understand when and how to blend in order to minimise  security edmonton the effect or damage that an incident can cause.

Get behind the wheel

The best security guards are those who are enthusiastic about their work, motivated to support others, and who place a high value on human life. These security guards are the most committed, trustworthy, and hardworking people you’ll ever meet.


A successful security guard must be able to concentrate. This ability is essential for effective property management.Keep in mind that many of the changes would be monotonous. There will be no action, and the guard security calgary  will just be on duty to keep an eye on things. Your guard can become engrossed in a smartphone game and forget to guard their post if they aren’t centred.

The last thing you want to happen is for that to happen

It’s good for business to have boring days for security guards, but you don’t want to breed complacency. Don’t put your company in the hands of someone who has trouble focusing. Integrity is a word that comes to mind .Integrity is the most important quality you security guards calgary  want in your guard. Guards must have a strong moral compass and be truthful to you.If you employ someone who lacks honesty, they can just use your work offer to their benefit. You’ll also be exposing the company to criminal activity.