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security guard services | Central Protection Services

5 soft skills you need to be a security officer

The rate at which new security professionals enter the field is not keeping up with demand, and the talent gap has widened in recent years. Given the desperate need, you might believe that a career in security is a foregone conclusion. Employers want to see social skills, good communication, and other “soft” skills in addition to qualified applicants with advanced calgary security companies  technical skills.Many security education or training programmers concentrate on technological knowledge and proficiency rather than soft skills. That means if you want to be successful in this field, you will need to build soft skills on your own and search out opportunities that will provide you with a more diverse experience.


This entails being properly and sufficiently prepared to deal with any situation that might arise. To stay relaxed during surveillance, you’ll need appropriate clothing and footwear. You’ll also need necessary security equipment to interact with and physically treat any criminals you encounter.


This type of job necessitates near collaboration with your boss. This ensures that the boss must have faith in you to make    security guards calgary   the best choices for the sake of their company and the general public. As a result, it’s critical that you present yourself well in order to establish and sustain faith.

Fast Reactions

Being a security guard necessitates constant vigilance and the ability to evaluate what is going on around you. The speed at which you can respond to a potentially dangerous situation should represent your alertness. Security guards must assess the situation quickly in order to determine the best course of action.

Rationality is the ability to think clearly

A security guard must be able to make good judgement calls on whether anything is a potential threat, and if it is, how  security edmonton  large it is, in addition to having fast reflexes. Rationality is based on the ability to comprehend each aspect of a situation and foresee how it will unfold.

Leader and member of a team

Security guards are seldom seen in groups, but they often operate in teams to ensure that a business’s perimeter is fully secure. This entails understanding when to show yourself and when to defer to someone else’s orders. Your team will be able to function more effectively as a result of this.Communication Skills that are Outstanding.You must be able to articulate what you are doing easily and efficiently to your boss, colleagues, and the general public, everything from your current position to the type of danger you are facing. This means   security calgary    that you can manage the situation in the best possible manner.

Exceptional fitness and strength

In this role, there’s a good chance of physical conflict. You’ll need reasonable physical strength and fitness to keep up with criminals, whether you’re trying to outrun a criminal or break up a war.Life is valuable and deserves to be respected.As a security guard, you will be faced with the question of how much power to exert due to the constant need for physical confrontation. It is critical for security guards to make every effort to subdue the offender(s) and avoid harming the offender(s) or any onlookers, particularly when   security services edmonton  entering a fight or being attacked.

Training and Education

Above all, a security guard must have a thorough understanding of security procedures. These industry standards best practises are required for all activities to be completed professionally. You would be able to succeed in this career if you have been educated and prepared for it.

What exactly is a security guard?

A security guard’s duty is to keep an eye on people, houses, and businesses, as well as valuables and assets, in order to avoid theft.They can patrol an area and use special equipment to track a building; they can protect an airport or a parking lot; and they can drive with valuable   security guard companies calgary   goods in a specialised security vehicle. See the full job description for a security guard.After that, let’s return to the skills you’ll need to become a top-performing security guard.


You must be able to communicate clearly and efficiently both orally and in writing to be a successful security guard. Your job can necessitate the use of a two-way radio to communicate with other guards in a professional manner.Your work will also require you to take calls during your shift and at the end of your shift; since many guards are expected to log in to their shift, both  security services calgary   oral and written communication would be required before they can take over from you on the next shift.Communication skills can also come in handy if you need to write a report on an accident that occurred during your shift or interview witnesses.


As a security guard, it is your responsibility to identify issues that might arise while on duty or to report security hazards to the organisation or the managers of the property you are protecting.To understand body language and track crowds, you may need to use circuit TV cameras. This will assist you in   security guards edmonton   preventing crime before it occurs.


To be a good guard, you must be trustworthy and truthful. You should not steal or endanger the business for which you work. Do you maintain vigilance while working alone? Your candour can build  trust in you and the organisation where you work. Make sure you don’t have any felony convictions or a track record of dishonesty.

Since 2017, Central Protection Services Agency has become one of Edmonton’s top private security firms. For programmers that best fit your needs, call 1-888-401-9555 or fill out an online form.