Central Protection Services

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Private Investigators Catch Cheaters in the Security Act

In today’s world, cheating of the spouses has become a norm. Of course, this act hurts deeply the married men and women all over the world. Married men and women develop relations with other ones which have grave implications if their revelation is not handled discreetly. Our security company Central Protection Services Agency has focused upon this issue very seriously and has spotted some signs for the concerned married men and women so that these points may lead them to reach on some solid conclusion about their life partners. Further, we also provide you the private investigators if you are suffering from this hot issue of the world so that you may not break the law and face the untoward consequences.

Observing and checking the cell phone

The concerned spouse should regularly observe and check the cell phone of his/her life partner. Cell phone can help a lot in this scenario. If you see the calls from the unknown numbers, write them down. These numbers will help you a lot for the later digging and investigation about your spouse. Further, if you see that the history of calls is frequently deleted by your spouse, once again, Security Guard Hire  it indicates a sign of great concern. Obviously, it indicates that the person has in contact with some ones whose data he/she does not want to get revealed. Also write it down that with what frequency the call history is deleted.

Checking the browser history

Once again, the browser history developed after the usage of the internet can help you a lot in figuring out that what kinds of contacts your spouse has. Very clearly, you would come to know that to which persons he/she is in contact. Further, it is also noticeable  Security License Edmonton that is this history deleted frequently or not. Write down the span of the periods in which this history is deleted. These statistics will help a lot in figuring our any potential illicit affair of your spouse with some one.

Abnormal and suspicious activities

Have a deep look about the activities of your spouse both at home and work place. But keep this thing in your mind that carry out your observations in a manner that does not arouse any doubt in the mind of your spouse. See if your spouse goes to some lonely place in order to attend some phone call or sending text messages to some one. If your spouse does this activity frequently, it again casts doubt on the character of your spouse. Further, observe that  Security License Alberta how frequently your spouse does not reciprocate any offer you make him/her for doing some outing. If you are unreciprocated frequently, then again these are not the good signs for your relationship with your spouse.

Staying away from the home for long hours

If your spouse frequently stays away from your home for the long hours, this once again indicates that there is something going on which is hidden and secret. Again, write down such kinds of activities carried out by your spouse and figure out a pattern running in these activities. See on which particular day or event  Security Guard Hire your spouse stays away from the home for long hours. Further, try to figure out whether  your spouse repeats this kind of pattern or not. Write down this activities along with the dates.

Many companies boast of offering the private investigators to the concerned spouses. Don’t pay heed to them because many are fake. First of all, do some investigation before selecting any company for hiring the private investigator. The investigators of our company proceed in the following ways.

  1. They carry out the physical surveillance of your spouse in order to get some solid evidence. Of course, your cooperation is required in doing this task. In this surveillance, your spouse would be closely monitored in a way that he/she should not have any faintest idea that he/she is being spied privately.
  2. The social networking of your spouse would be thoroughly investigated in order to reach to the conclusion. What kinds of networks your spouse is associated with. What kinds of chats have been carried out. Further, what kind of attachments of data have been shared through these Guards Security social networking platforms. Again, full secrecy and confidentiality would be exercised while doing all of this so that your spouse may not have any doubt that he/she is being investigated.
  3. All the movements and activities of your spouse would be closely monitored through the latest technology like GPS tracking. Your spouse work places, residences of relatives, social get together, every thing would be thoroughly covered through this state of the art technology.
  4. If the private investigator feels then the private cameras can also be used in order to dig out any potential affair your spouse may have


We assure you that full privacy and confidentiality would be maintained during this entire process. We have seasoned private investigators who have a proven record. Further, fully digital evidence would be provided to our clients leaving no shadow of doubt. After this evidence is gathered, only then our client is advised to talk his/her spouse about this serious and the most delicate matter.


Central Protection Services Agency has been one of the leading private security companies in Edmonton City since 2017. Contact us at 1-888-401-9555 for services that best fit your needs or fill out a form online.